Love Local?

Find our fruit and juice at these stand-out stockists!

 You can find ‘Greenhill’ fruit and juice on the shelf, in the fridge, on the menu, in a hamper or at a market!

- available seasonally -


Invergowrie General Store 171 Invergowrie Rd, Invergowrie NSW 02 6775 2330 Juice


Armidale Market Fresh 168 Rusden Street, Armidale NSW 02 6772 5970 Fruit & Juice

Cafe Patisserie 80 Rusden Street, Armidale NSW 02 6787 4040 Juice

Lynches Road Store 53 Lynches Road, Armidale NSW 02 6772 8410 Juice

Paper Tiger Eatery 14 Moore Street, Armidale NSW 02 6772 6262 Juice


Beca Bakes 182 Bridge Street, Uralla NSW 0476 399 441 Juice

Foodworks Uralla 100 Bridge Street, Uralla NSW 02 6778 4502 Fruit & Juice

Seasons of New England 58 Bridge Street, Uralla NSW 0434 408 163 Juice

The Alternate Root 48 Bridge Street, Uralla NSW 02 6778 3185 Juice

Thom’s Fruit & Veg @ Uralla High Country Markets, @ Walcha Farmers Market Fruit & Juice


Summers IGA 5 Denman Avenue, Kootingal NSW 02 6760 3204 Fruit & Juice


Fast’n’Fresh Produce Showground Road, Tamworth NSW 02 6765 2011 Fruit

Le Pruneau 83 Bridge Street, Tamworth NSW 02 6765 3666 Juice

Paradise Farm Markets 3-5 Phillip Street, Tamworth NSW 02 6765 2200 Fruit & Juice


Fresh Finds Bingara 74 Maitland Street, Bingara NSW 0431 513 326 Fruit & Juice


The Never Never Mind 16 Cudgery Street, Dorrigo NSW 0406 639 029 Fruit

Bellingen & Thora

Bellingen Bounty Shop 8, Old Butter Factory, Bellingen NSW Juice

Bellingen Farmers & Producers Market Bellingen NSW 0421 476 745 Fruit & Juice

Promised Land Produce Northbank Road, Bellingen NSW 0427 572 858 Juice

Rose’s Fruit Stall 2401 Waterfall Way, Thora NSW 02 6655 8522 Fruit & Juice

Sapphire Beach, Coffs Harbour & Sawtell

New Life Farm 11 Wakelands Road, Sapphire Beach NSW 0499 606 412 Fruit & Juice

Bailey Centre Liberty 150 Pacific Highway, Coffs Harbour NSW 02 6651 1313 Fruit

Active Nutrition Pantry 3/57 First Avenue, Sawtell NSW 0438 100 633 Fruit 0438 100 633

Nambucca Valley & Macksville

North Arm Farms Nambucca Valley NSW 0436 474 492 Fruit & Juice

Tewinga Fresh Fruit & Veg 719 Rodeo Drive, Macksville NSW 0427 255 004 Fruit

Port Macquarie & Forster

Ken Little’s Fruit and Veg 43 Munster St, Port Macquarie NSW 02 6583 5685 Fruit & Juice

The Farmers Patch 38 Lake Street, Forster NSW 02 6555 3688 Fruit & Juice