A taste of country life . . .
Yeomans of ‘Greenhill’
Perhaps the name says something about us ….. the Yeomans of ‘Greenhill’ …… an ordinary farming family who get to live and work in a really special place.
“YEOMAN - in the past, a man who was not a servant and who owned and cultivated (= grew crops on) an area of land”
- the Cambridge English Dictionary
Family orchards are disappearing ( we’re the last in the region) and we value our seasonal life, working hard to make it sustainable. Like all farmers, there are bumper crops and hard times, but we wouldn’t choose to live anywhere else.
‘Greenhill’ has a relatively small orchard, with just 11 hectares planted (approx 7,000 trees), set in a larger grazing property, with some special remnant and regenerating bushland. Fine wool Merino sheep are a complementary enterprise, but most of our time and energy is invested in growing delicious fruit.
Country connections
Not too long ago, almost every Australian family had a country cousin, a farm they could visit, a connection to the land. We hope fruit and juice from the old packing shed gives you a real taste of old-fashioned country flavour.
Our orchard is just north of the thriving small town of Uralla, the perfect half-way stop when travelling between Sydney and Brisbane, and the home of a growing community of producers, creators and artisans. Sometimes there’s some ‘Greenhill’ flavour in other small batch local creations! A starting place to discover some of these regional delights is Seasons of New England
Working with the seasons
There’s always lots to do and things to learn on the orchard. During harvest and at pruning time we hire extra help. If you’re interested in working with us, get in touch.
Although it’s a busy place, we’re also happy to share knowledge, and try and accommodate occasional local school and small group visits. Contact us and we’ll do our best. We believe it’s important everyone has the opportunity to know more about where their food grows, so the farmgate is open for packing shed sales in season, 10 am - 5 pm Monday to Saturday. We don’t offer ‘pick your own’.
With a heritage of fruitgrowing, our life is shaped each year by the seasons - cherries for Christmas, the last apples picked just after Anzac Day. Our future is about growing better each year, good fruit that truly nourishes.