Welcome to 'Greenhill'
‘Greenhill’ (est. 1865) is a working family orchard with a heritage of fruit growing in the rich soils of Arding, New England.
Settled high on the Great Dividing Range, orchard life is shaped by the distinct seasons, ideal for growing cool climate fruits.
Luscious summer fruits - cherries, apricots, peaches, plums and nectarines are followed in autumn with the crisp, fabulous flavours of our main harvest of apples and pears.
Harvesting fruit from December through May, apples are often available much of the year. These seasonal flavours are captured in our whole-pressed Pear & Apple juices.
Local Flavour
Working with fabulous local food businesses, 'Greenhill' supplies fresh, seasonal fruit and unfiltered juice regionally.
Our focus is growing fruit for our community to enjoy and the many visitors who value authentic homegrown flavours.
You can find seasonal 'Greenhill' fruit and juice at:
Local Fruit & Veg shops
Community General Stores
Independent Grocers
Markets, Cafes and Collectives
or you’re welcome to call in at the Orchard when the farmgate’s open.
We appreciate the hard work and genuine commitment of small businesses who champion local.
The opportunity to source fruit from your local grower is a great way to reconnect with the seasons and the land.
A Seasonal Life
At 'Greenhill,' now welcoming the 8th generation of family into the only remaining commercial orchard in our region, we live with:
Gratitude for our heritage
Faith, hard work, innovation & practical common sense shaping each day
Hope and planning for a sustainable future
Every season brings new challenges and potential. We take the long view, pay attention to the details and stay grounded.
Growing good fruit with great flavour starts with healthy trees and healthy soil.
We're not out to conquer the world, but rather to celebrate our small corner of it.